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HIGHLY ADDICTIVE CRISPY Korean Pancake: Mung Bean Pancake [Bindaettoek] 광장시장 빈대떡 만들기! 바삭한 녹두전 굽는 법

Writer: Helen ModernPepperHelen ModernPepper

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

Make AUTHENTIC BinDaeTteok at home + Tangy Onion Soy Sauce Dipping Sauce!

This Korean Pancake is LUVED by all for its ADDICTIVE and COMFORT food taste. We enjoy BinDaeTteok as a casual snack, and as a MUST-HAVE pancake for our holiday meals.

🇰🇷집에서 맛있는 광장시장 빈대떡 만들기! 고소하고 바삭바삭한 녹두전 굽는 법 + 양파초간장 레시피

Chapter Timestamp 챕터 시간 코드

0:00 Introduction 인삿말

01:00 Bindaetteok Batter 빈대떡 반죽 만들기

03:46 Tangy Onion Dipping Sauce 양파초간장

07:47 Frying TIPS 바삭한 녹두전 굽는 법

10:14 Extra Crispy Frying TIP 더 바삭한 굽는 법

07:21 Stir Fry & Braising 볶다가 천천히 푹 끓인다

10:06 Final Seasoning 마지막 양념

12:17 Tasting/Mukbang 맛보기/먹방

BinDaeTteok 빈대떡

Phonetically spelled = BinDehTteok

Also called NokDuBinDehTteok 녹두빈대떡 & NokDuJeon 녹두전

NokDu 녹두 = Mung Beans

Jeon 전 = Pan Fried Patties/Savory Pancakes

KkanNokDu 깐녹두 = Peeled Mung Beans


Please take a photo of your Bindaetteok Pancake when you make them, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper


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Serving Size: 3 Pancakes (6-8" diameter)

Mung Bean Batter 빈대떡 반죽

1 Cup 컵 Peel Mung Beans 깐녹두

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Sweet White Rice Flour 찹쌀가루

(OR ⅛ Cup 컵 Sweet White Rice Grains 찹쌀)

1 Pinch 꼬집 Salt 소금

Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

Pork Marinade 돼지고기 양념

50 Grams Pork 돼지고기 (Ground Pork, Bacon or Plant Based Meat)

1 Pinch 꼬집 Salt 소금

Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

½ Teaspoon Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

¼ Teaspoon Brown Sugar 흑설탕

½ Teaspoon Soy Sauce 양조간장

Sesame Oil 참기름 (light drizzle)

More Bindaetteok Toppings:

1 Scallions, Minced 다진 쪽파

30 Grams Mung Bean Sprouts 숙주나물

¼ Cup 컵 Fermented Kimchi 신김치

20 Grams Seasoned GoSaRi Side Dish 고사리 나물무침

깐녹두 불리는 시간

For Pan Frying

1/2 Cup Corn Oil 옥수수 기름

Soy Sauce Dipping Sauce with Onions 양파초간장

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Soy Sauce 양조간장

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Water 물

1/2 Tablespoon Brown Rice Vinegar 현미식초

½ Teaspoon Brown Sugar 흑설탕

15 Grams White Onion 양파

6 Thin Slices Red Pepper 얇게 썬 홍고추

6 Thin Slices Green Pepper 얇게 썬 풋고추


Step ONE: Pre-soaking the mung beans

In a medium size bowl, fill more than halfway with cold water, and the mung beans.

  • 1 Cup 컵 Peel Mung Beans 깐녹두

Let the mung beans soak in cold water, on your kitchen counter, for at least 3 hours. OR overnight on your kitchen counter. If you have a hot kitchen or during the summer months, let the mung beans soak in the fridge overnight. This is to prevent the overnight soaking mung beans from spoiling in a hot temperature kitchen.

Once the mung beans have soaked in water for several hours or overnight, it will have almost doubled in size. Rinse the mung beans in cold water 3 to 4 times. Then let the mung beans sit in a strainer for 5 minutes or so to drain any excess water.

Now, if you are not ready to start adding the toppings and frying the pancakes, you can freeze the water drained mung beans. Just double/triple bag it in a freezer safe plastic bags. (Eat it within a month of freezing.) Once you are ready to start cooking, bring the mung beans to room temperature, and follow the steps below.

Step TWO: Making the batter

Add the mung beans to a blender, and 1/2 cup of cold water. Cover with the lid and puree on low speed for about 30 seconds. (Depending on the power of your blender, it might take longer than 30 seconds.) After 30 seconds, you'll notice that only the bottom half of the mung beans have been pureed, because we didn't add enough water. Instead of adding more water, stir the contents around and push the whole mung beans to the bottom of the blender. Cover with the lid and let it puree on low speed for about 30 seconds or until pureed. We need the mung bean puree to be thick (thicker than the gravy consistency). Then pour the mung bean puree into a mixing bowl.

Step THREE: Toppings

You can use any cuts of pork or beef. Bacon works, too. 🌱Vegan friends, use plant based ground meat or just skip it. You can also marinate the meat a day or two in advance (store in the fridge) OR let the marinated meat sit on you kitchen counter (less than 1 hour).

Cut the meat into thin slices. Add the ingredients below and mix well. You can also marinate the meat a day or two in advance (store in the fridge) OR let the marinated meat sit on you kitchen counter (less than 1 hour).

Pork Marinade 돼지고기 양념

50 Grams Pork 돼지고기 (Ground Pork, Bacon or Plant Based Meat)

1 Pinch 꼬집 Salt 소금

Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

½ Teaspoon Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

¼ Teaspoon Brown Sugar 흑설탕

½ Teaspoon Soy Sauce 양조간장

Sesame Oil 참기름 (light drizzle)

More Bindaetteok Toppings:

1 Scallions, Minced 다진 쪽파

30 Grams Mung Bean Sprouts 숙주나물

¼ Cup 컵 Fermented Kimchi 신김치 (roughly chopped up, use kitchen shears)

20 Grams Seasoned GoSaRi Side Dish 고사리 나물무침

Add the marinated pork and the toppings above to the mung bean puree, and mix well. (If you don't have Gosari, you can skip it.) This mung bean batter is not something you can prepare ahead of time. Once you puree it, the rest of the toppings must be added, then fried. If you let the pureed mung beans sit, it will become watery. And if you let the mung bean puree, mixed in with the toppings, sit, it will get really watery, which will end up softening the batter and making the pancake crumble and/or fall apart. Bindaetteok is meant to have some density, while having that soft cushiony middle.

Step Four: Pan Frying

Preheat your non-stick frying pan on HIGH heat for about 1 to 2 minutes. Add a generous amount of corn oil. (Corn oil is used by the famous Bindaetteok vendors at the GwangJang Market )

Add the corn oil to your preheated frying pan, and let it heat up for about 30 seconds on HIGH heat. Adding a generous amount of oil in critical in making crispy Bindaetteok.

  • 1/2 Cup Corn Oil 옥수수 기름

The batter we made is enough for 3 pancakes (approximately 6" diameter).

Lower the stove heat to MEDIUM-HIGH. Add a ladle full of the batter to the frying pan, and quickly spread the batter to about 6" diameter. Make sure to evenly distribute the batter to make a circle. Quickly repeat until you have 3 pancakes in the frying pan. IF your frying pan isn't big enough to fry 3 pancakes at once, don't force it. TIP: Overcrowding the frying pan, will make the food steam, rather than frying. Just fry the first batch, and then to the second batch.

TIP: In between each batch of pan frying, you must remove the residues of food particles in the frying oil. (Use a fine mesh filter.). If you don't remove these residue particles, it will continue frying and turn black. Then these blacked residues will stick onto your next batch of Bindaetteok, and not only make it look bad, but it will also add that burnt taste to your pancake.

On MEDIUM-HIGH heat, let the pancake fry for about 2 minutes or until golden brown. Use a fork as a guide to help in flipping. TIP: The fork will prevent you from splashing the hot oil when you flip the pancake. Once you flip the pancake, let it fry for about 2 minutes or until golden brown on MEDIUM-HIGH heat. Flip it again one more time, and let it fry for another 30 seconds. Then shake off the excess oil, and let it rest on a cooling rack with a sheet of paper towel, for few minutes. Bindaetteok is the tastiest when it is still warm.


After you flip over the pancake, quickly cut the pancake into four sections. Use a baker's scraper or carefully cut using kitchen shears. Spread the cut four sections so the insides are exposed to the frying oil. Continue frying on MEDIUM-HIGH heat for about 2 minutes or until golden brown. For the an extra added crispiness, pick up the two sections at a time and let them lean against the side of the frying pan, so the inner exposed area frys more (for about 10-15 seconds or until golden brown). Then turnover so the other side of the inner exposed area frys more, too (for about 10-15 seconds or until golden brown). Let the fried sections rest on a cooling rack with a sheet of paper towel for a few minutes before consuming.

Now, Bindaetteok must be eaten with this tangy onion dipping sauce!

Add the following ingredients, and mix well. You can eat this dipping sauce right away or let it sit at room temperature for a few hours for a soy sauce pickled taste of the onions, and peppers. You can also make this sauce a few days in advance (store in the fridge).

Soy Sauce Dipping Sauce with Onions 양파초간장

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Soy Sauce 양조간장

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Water 물

1/2 Tablespoon Brown Rice Vinegar 현미식초

½ Teaspoon Brown Sugar 흑설탕

15 Grams White Onion 양파

6 Thin Slices Red Pepper 얇게 썬 홍고추

6 Thin Slices Green Pepper 얇게 썬 풋고추

Bon appétit😋


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