Try this easy steamed egg recipe that tastes gourmet silky eggs that melts in your mouth!
Korean steamed egg side dish recipe that anyone can make at home. Perfect for any meal, try this restaurant-quality gourmet delight today!
RESTAURANT-QUALITY Steamed Eggs that melts in your mouth! Anyone can make this EASY DELICIOUS SILKY EGGS at home! Enjoy with warm Korean rice and kimchi.
🇰🇷입안에서 녹는 맛있는 계란/달걀 푸딩을 만들어보세요.
🛍🛒SHOP Korean ingredients for today's Silky Egg Pudding recipe
⭐️Ingredients 재료
Yield: 3 Servings 3인분
1 Cup 컵 Eggs 달걀
1 Cup 컵 Sea Kelp Broth 다시마 육수 or 또는 Chicken/Vegetable Broth 닭고기 또는 야채 육수
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Mirim 미림
Simple Sea Kelp Broth 간단한 육수 만들기
1 Cup 컵 Hot Water 뜨거운 물
3 - 4 Dried Sea Kelp 다시마
1 Fresh Ginger Slice 생강 슬라이스
½ Teaspoon 작은술 SayWooJeot 새우젓 or 또는 Fish Sauce 멸치액젓
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다
Egg Garnish Toppings 고명
Option 1:
Any Vegetable garnish
Option 2:
Sweet Soy Sauce 살짝 달콤한 간장소스
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Hot Water 뜨거운 물
½ Tablespoon 큰술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Soy Sauce 양조간장
Green Onions 쪽파
Sesame Seeds 참깨
Option 3:
Toasted Seaweed 김
Sesame Oil 참기름
CLICK on the blue timestamp below for recipe demonstration
00:00 INTRO 인사말
00:57 Simple Sea Kelp Broth 간단한 육수 만들기
04:36 Egg Steaming 달걀찜 방법
06:25 Egg Garnish & Sauce 고명 + 간장 소스 만들기
07:28 Eating Show/Mukbang 먹방
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⭐️WATCH MORE Korean Recipes HERE⬇️
🛍🛒SHOP more Korean ingredients and my favorite kitchen gadgets
⭐️I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please take a photo of your delicious Silky Steamed Egg Pudding when you make them, posted it on your social media, and TAG @modernpepper
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