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Korean Fish Cake Stew with NOODLES Recipe: The Broth is SO GOOD that you can literally DRINK IT 어묵전골

Writer's picture: Helen ModernPepperHelen ModernPepper

Indulge in the ultimate comfort food with this highly addictive Korean fish cake soup/stew recipe. Learn the secrets to making the broth and dipping sauce!

This ONE-POT-MEAL with Korean Fish Cakes and Noodles will make everyone's belly and soul HAPPY! I share my secrets to making this HIGHLY ADDICTIVE broth, and dipping sauce for the fish cakes, so you can enjoy one of Korea's ultimate comfort food at home. 🇰🇷집에서 맛있는 어묵전골을 만들어 가족들에게 많은 사랑을 받아보세요.

Korean Fish Cake is called "Uh Muk" 어묵.

O-Deng 오뎅 (일본어) is Japanese Fish Cake.

⭐️Ingredients 재료

Yield: 4 Servings

Fish Cake Broth 어묵육수:

3 Liters (12 Cups) Water 물

300 Grams Korean Radish 무

110 Grams Fish Cake 어묵

½ Medium Size Onion 중간크기 양파

¼ Cup 컵 Mirim 미림

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Guk-Soy Sauce 국간장

2 Shiitake Mushrooms 표고버섯

6 Crushed Garlic Cloves 으깬 마늘

2 Scallions 쪽파 또는 대파

12 - 16 Peppercorns 검은 후추 열매

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Salt 소금

½ Teaspoon 작은술 Beef or Anchovy Dashida 쇠고기 또는 멸치 다시다

2 Dashi Packs 다시팩

Dashi Pack Substitutions:

10 - 12 Dried Anchovies 다시멸치

6 Pieces Dried Sea Kelp 다시마

One Pot Meal Fish Cake Stew 어묵전골:

8 Fish Cake Skewers 꼬치어묵

1 Liter Fish Cake Broth 어묵육수 (Extra 1 - 2 cups on reserve)

2 Frozen Udon Noodles 냉동 우동면

½ Medium Size Onion 중간크기 양파

1 Spicy Pepper 매운 고추

3 Napa Cabbage Leaves 배추

2 Scallions 쪽파 또는 대파

2 Cooked Shiitake Mushrooms 표고버섯 (from broth)

Crown Daisy 쑥갓

🍜If you want to make your own homemade noodles to add to this one pot meal, here you go. Just remember to rinse the uncooked noodles in cold water ro rinse off the corn starch before adding it to the pot. Cook the noodles until soft and chewy (add more broth, as the broth reduces from cooking the noodles).

Fish Cake Dipping Sauce 찍어 먹는 간장양념장:

¼ Cup 컵 Fish Cake Broth 어묵육수

1 Tablespoon 큰술 All-Purpose Soy Sauce 양조간장

½ Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕

CLICK on the blue timestamp below for recipe demonstration

00:00 INTRO

01:09 Fish Cake Broth 어묵육수

08:05 What is Korean Fish Cake? 어묵

09:48 Fish Cake Skewers Making 꼬치어묵 만들기

11:29 One Pot Fish Cake Stew Meal 어묵전골 만들기

13:11 Fish Cake Dipping Sauce 찍어 먹는 간장양념

13:52 Tableside Fish Cake Stew 어묵전골 끓이기

15:30 Tasting/Mukbang 맛보기/먹방

I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please take a photo of your Korean Fish Cake Stew when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG  @ModernPepper  


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