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4 New Ways To Enjoy Korean Ramyun Ramen Recipes HACK | DELICIOUS Instant Ramen Recipes 맛있는 라면요리 4종

Writer: Helen ModernPepperHelen ModernPepper

MUST-TRY Korean Instant Ramen Recipes!

Learn 4 gourmet Korean instant ramen ramyun recipes - Seafood, Kimchi Soybean Sprouts, Cheese Sauce, and JjaJang/Black Bean Sauce Ramen! These ramen hacks are a MUST-TRY!

Instant Ramen recipe hacks to make DELICIOUS & GOURMET Tasting Noodles dishes at home:

🦐Seafood Ramen

🌶Kimchi Soybean Sprouts Ramen

🧀Cheese Sauce Ramen

🫘JjaJang/Black Bean Sauce Ramen

🇰🇷맛있는 라면요리 4종: 해물라면, 김치콩나물라면, 치즈라면 & 짜장라면.

CLICK on the blue timestamp below for recipe demonstration

00:00​​​​​​ INTRO 오프닝/인삿말

00:38  Seafood Ramen 해물라면

03:16  Kimchi Soybean Sprouts Ramen 김치콩나물라면

04:47  Cheese Ramen 치즈라면

08:37  JjaJang Ramen/Black Bean Sauce Ramen 짜장라면


🦐Seafood Ramen 해물라면

➡️WATCH the full recipe

1 Shin Ramen BLACK 신라면 블랙

3 Cups Hot Water 뜨거운 물

4 Clams-in-shell 조개

2 Shrimp with head 머리가 달린 새우

1 Small Blue Crab 작은 꽃게

3 to 4 Squid Tentacles 오징어 촉수

1 Scallion Sliced 쪽파 또는 대파

1/4 Medium Onion 중간크기 양파

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 Grated Ginger 강판 생강

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Oil 식용유

½ Tablespoon 큰술 DoenJang/Soybean Paste 된장

1 Teaspoon 작은술 GoChuGaru 고춧가루

1 Pinch 꼬집 Salt 소금

1 Pinch 꼬집 Garlic Powder 마늘 가루

🌶Kimchi Soybean Sprouts Ramen 김치콩나물라면

➡️WATCH the full recipe

1 Shin Ramen BLACK 신라면 블랙

3 Cups (710 ml) Water 물

½ Cup 컵 Extra Fermented Kimchi 신김치

50 Grams Soybean Sprouts 콩나물

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Extra Fermented Kimchi Liquid 신김치국물

½ Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

1 Scallion 쪽파 또는 대파

🧀Cheese Ramen 치즈라면

1 Shin Ramen 신라면

3 Cup 컵 Water 물

½ Cup 컵 Shredded Mozzarella Cheese 모짜렐라 치즈

½ Cup 컵 Shredded Mexican Cheese Mix 멕시코 치즈

¼ Cup 컵 Grated Parmesan Cheese 파마산 치즈

1 Slice Canadian Bacon 캐나다 베이컨 또는 햄

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Red Onion 다진 붉은양파

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Butter 버터

1 Tablespoon 큰술 White Flour (All-Purpose) 밀가루

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 식용유

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

Small pinch of black pepper 후추 작은 꼬집

Garnishing 고명:

Minced Scallions 다진 쪽파

Sesame Seeds 참깨

🫘JjaJang Ramen/Black Bean Sauce Ramen 짜장라면

➡️WATCH the full recipe

1 Package Paldo JjaJang Instant Ramen

3 Cup 컵 Water 물

½ Cup 컵 Boiling Water 끓는 물

1/4 Cup 컵 Cooked Ramen Water 라면 끓인물

1/4 Medium 중사이즈 Onion 양파

1 Scallion Minced 다진 쪽파

25 Grams Ham 햄

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Frozen Peas 냉동 완두콩

150 Grams Zucchini 애호박

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Oil 식용유

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 All-Purpose or Jin Soy Sauce 양조간장/진간장

Jin Soy Sauce 진간장

1 Pinch Salt 소금 1꼬집

Black Pepper 후추 약간

⭐️To learn the different types of Korean soy sauces, WATCH Korean Soy Sauce Buying Guide Tutorial



I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please take a photo of your Korean Ramen when you make them, posted it on your social media, and TAG  @ModernPepper   


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