Unleash the addictively delicious Korean snack using uncooked ramen, shrimp chips, nuts, and chex mix snack. Perfect for parties, this finger-licking good hack is a must-try!
EASIEST & DELICIOUS Snack using ramen noodles, and shrimp chips recipe. This snack is SO ADDICTIVE & DELICIOUS that you'll double/triple the recipe and give it out as gifts to your favorite people. It is a perfect party food AND it pairs perfectly with a light cold beer🍺 🇰🇷간단하고 맛있는 생라면 새우깡 스낵을 만들어 보세요. 시원한 맥주와도 잘 어울리는 술안주입니다.
🛍🛒SHOP Korean ramen, shrimp chips and more ingredient for today's Korean snack recipe➡️ https://amzn.to/4f5HmjZ
⭐️Ingredients 재료
1 Shin Ramen 신라면 (🌱Vegan: See shop link above)
½ Cup 컵 Mixed Nuts 혼합 견과류
1 Cup 컵 ChexMix 첵스믹스
1 Cup 컵 Shrimp Chips 새우깡 (🌱Vegan: Omit)
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Melted Salted-Butter 녹인 버터 (🌱Vegan: Use plant-based butter)
½ Tablespoon 큰술 Sesame Salt 깨소금
4 Pieces Seaweed Snack 김
CLICK on the blue timestamp below for recipe instructions
00:00 INTRO 인사말
01:01 Ramen & Shrimp Chips Snack Prep 생라면 새우깡 스낵 준비
06:02 Make Snack Gift Bags 간식 선물 만들기
06:12 Eating/Mukbang/먹방
⭐️How To Make Korean Sesame Seeds Salt! Makes your food look PRETTY & DELICIOUS! 맛을 살려주는 깨소금
⭐️MUST-TRY Korea's TOP popular SNACK: ADDICTIVE Shrimp Chips🦐 + SECRET Beer-Foam HACK! 🇰🇷새우깡 맥주 해킹
⭐️I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please take a photo of your delicious Korean Ramen/Shrimp Chips Snack when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper
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ramen recipe,korean ramen recipe,shin ramen recipe,Korean snack recipe,shrimp chips,Korean shrimp chips,easy snack recipe,chex mix snack recipe,chex mix snack hack,party food recipe,party snack recipe,dried snack recipe,snack recipe hack,finger food recipe,Korean food,Korean food recipe,Korean cuisine,homemade snack recipe, snack attack recipe, how to make easy snack at home