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Korean Soy Sauce Myak Egg Recipe: Seasoned Soft-Boiled Egg & Yolk 반숙달걀장과 노른자장 (마약계란장) 자꾸만 생각나는 맛!

Writer's picture: Helen ModernPepperHelen ModernPepper

Updated: Jan 12

Korean soy sauce marinated boiled eggs dish (달걀장 DalGhalJang) is one of Korea's beloved side dishes. Yes, in Korean cuisine, this is a side dish, but it is one those side dishes that cans stand alone as a main entree because of it's addictive delicious taste. And you'll end up ignoring other dishes on the table because it is that YUMMY!

🇰🇷 달걀 밑반찬: 자꾸만 생각나는 맛! 반숙달걀장과 노른자장 황금 레시피 입니다.

Today's Korean soy sauce [Myak] egg recipe includes:

Soft-boiled egg in chilled soy sauce broth (반숙 달걀장 BanSuk DalGhalJang)

Hard-boiled egg in warm soy sauce broth (완숙 달걀장조림 WanSuk DalGhalJangJoLim)

Soy sauce fermented egg yolk (노른자장 NoRuenJaJang)

Some Korean words related to 달걀장 DalGhalJang

달걀 DalGhal = Egg (Korean origin word)

계란 GhehLan = Egg (Chinese origin word)

반숙 달걀 BanSuk DalGhal = Soft-boiled egg

완숙 달걀 WanSuk DalGhal = Hard-boiled egg

반찬 BanChan = Side Dish in Korean

CLICK ON the blue timestamp for recipe demonstration

Soy Sauce Eggs Video Recipe Timecodes/유튜브 영상 레시피 시간 코드

00:00​​​​​​​​​​​​ Introduction 오프닝/인삿말

01:45  How to boil soft-boiled & hard-boiled eggs (반숙 + 완숙 달걀 삶는 법)

04:20  Soy sauce broth (양념장 만들기)

10:10  Soy sauce fermented egg yolk (노른자장 만들기)

11:06  Soft-boiled egg in soy sauce broth (반숙 달걀장)

11:32  Fermenting/marinating soft-boiled egg & yolk in broth (반숙 달걀장 + 노른자장 숙성 시간)

12:25  How to make warm soy sauce braised eggs (따뜻한 달걀장조림 만들기)

13:35  How to eat TIPS (달걀장 먹방 맛있게 먹기)

17:16  Why is this Soy Sauce Egg dish also known as the "Rice Thief" dish? (밥도둑 설명) 17:40  Why you should NOT call this egg dish as Myak Eggs/Myakgyeran? (외국인 친구에게: 마약계란 이라고 부르지 마십시오)

Below you'll find the following:

Ingredient List

Korean ingredient and suggested product links

Recipe Instruction

Suggested video recipes



Please take a photo of your DalGhalJang side dish when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper.


1 teaspoon 작은 술 = 5 ml

1 tablespoon 큰술 = 1/2 fluid ounce, 15 ml, 15 cc

1 Cup 컵 = 128 grams

1 lb = 450 grams


10 - 12 Jumbo Eggs 계란

2 Tablespoon 큰술 Salt 소금

2 Tablespoon 큰술 Vinegar 식초

Soy Sauce Broth:

5 Cup 컵 (1.2 liters) Water 물

1/2 Cup 컵 Jin-Soy Sauce/진간장

(Substitution: All-Purpose Soy Sauce/진간장 없다면 양조간장)

2 Tablespoon 큰술 Korean cooking wine/mirin 미림

2 Tablespoon 큰술 Brown Sugar/흑설탕

4 Garlic cloves 마늘

2 Pieces (half hand size) Dashima/dried sea-kelp 다시마

1 Pinch Black pepper

1/4 Medium White Onion/중간 크기 양파

2 Scallions 쪽파

1 Red chilli pepper 홍고추

(Substitution: For non-spicy taste, omit or use sweet red bell pepper

맵지 않게 드시려면 파프리카를 사용하세요)

(Substitution: For spicer taste, use jalapeño pepper

더맵게 드실려면 할레피뇨 고추를 사용하세요)

For Garnishing:

Roasted sesame seeds (generous sprinkling) 통깨

Sesame oil (generous sesame oil) 참기름

🛒🛍Shop for today's recipe ingredients & kitchen gadgets at

Step One: How to boil soft & hard boiled eggs 반숙 + 완숙 달걀 삶는 법

Take your eggs out of the fridge and bring to room temperature. Let the eggs rest on your kitchen counter for about 15 minutes. TIP: If you add cold eggs directly from the fridge to the pot, there is a great chance that the eggs will crack and/or explode.

  • Place the eggs in a pot and fill with cold water, about 1" above the eggs.

  • Add the following ingredients:

2 Tablespoon 큰술 Salt 소금

2 Tablespoon 큰술 Vinegar 식초

  • Set the stove heat to HIGH. Using a spatula, slowly rotate the eggs in the pot for about good 30 seconds. This slow circulating-motion of the eggs in the water is to bring the yolk to the center of the egg.

  • Once you see the water start to boil, put the lid on. Lower the stove heat to MEDIUM. Let it cook for 5 minutes (soft-boiled) or 8 minutes (hard-boiled)

  • Quickly transfer the boiled eggs to an ice bath and let the eggs rest in the ice bath for 15 minutes.

  • Take the egg and gently tap it on a flat surface around the widest center for the egg. (DO NOT tap the egg on an edge. Doing so will break or damage the white part of the egg.) Place the cracked egg back in the ice bath. Placing the cracked egg back in the water will make it easier to peel the shell, as the water will get in between the shell and white part of the egg. Once all the eggs have been gently cracked, then start peeling the shells.

Step Two: Soy sauce broth 양념장 만들기

Add the following ingredients into a pot:

5 Cup 컵 (1.2 liters) Water 물

1/4 Cup 컵 Jin-Soy Sauce/진간장

(Substitution: All-Purpose Soy Sauce/진간장 없다면 양조간장)

2 Tablespoon 큰술 Korean cooking wine/mirin 미림

2 Tablespoon 큰술 Brown Sugar/흑설탕

4 Garlic cloves 마늘

2 Pieces (half hand size) Dashima/dried sea-kelp 다시마

1 Pinch Black pepper

Set the stove to HIGH heat. Once the liquid start boiling, place the lid and let it cook in HIGH heat for 15 minutes

While the broth is cooking, start prepping the vegetables for the soy sauce broth. Add the cut vegetables into a heat proof container with a lid.

  • Follow the cutting method as shown in the above video recipe @ 05:44 CLICK HERE)

  • 1/4 Medium White Onion/중간 크기 양파

  • 2 Scallions 쪽파

  • 1 Red chilli pepper 홍고추

Step Three: Soft-boiled eggs in chilled soy sauce broth 반숙 달걀장 + 숙성 시간

Once the soy sauce broth is done, pour the broth into the container with the minced vegetables. Make sure to bring this hot broth to room temperature. Adding your soft-boiled egg to this hot broth will cook the eggs and turn them into hard-boiled eggs.

Once the broth comes to room temperature, add the soft-boiled eggs to the container. Add a generous sprinkling of roasted sesame seeds. Cover with the lid and store in the fridge for a minimum of 4-6 hours OR 24 - 48 hours for the tastiest option.

Soy sauce fermented egg yolk 노른자장 + 숙성 시간

Once the soy sauce broth mixed with vegetable come to room temperature, take 1/2 cup of the broth and strain it separate the liquid from the vegetables.

Separate the yolk from the white (as shown in the above video recipe @ 10:10 CLICK HERE).

Add the egg yolks to a small container with a lid. Pour the soy sauce broth (minus the vegetables) in the container and put the lid. (The egg yolk does not need to be fully covered in the soy sauce broth. About 2/3 coverage of the yolk in the soy sauce broth is ideal). Store in the fridge for a minimum of 4-6 hours OR 24 - 48 hours for the tastiest option.

How to make warm soy sauce braised eggs 따뜻한 달걀장조림 만들기

In a medium size pot, add the same ingredients to make the soy sauce broth, as listed above. Then add the boiled eggs (peeled) to the pot. Set the stove heat to HIGH. Once the liquid start boiling, place the lid, and let it cook on high heat for 15 minutes. Quickly transfer the eggs and broth to a serving bowl. Add a generous sprinkling of roasted sesame seeds, and a drizzle of sesame oil.

How long does this last in the fridge?

For the soy sauce fermented yolk, I would not let it go longer than 2 days. Best enjoyed immediately after 48 hours of fermenting in the fridge.

For the soy sauce eggs, I would finish eating the eggs within 7 days.

WATCH how to eat the soy sauce eggs and yolk @13:35 video recipe CLICK HERE

달걀장 먹방 맛있게 먹기

Soy sauce egg is best enjoyed with warm Korean rice. YES, not all Asian rice are the same. Korean rice is uniquely Korean.

I mean, a bowl of warm Korean rice with soy sauce egg drizzled with the soy sauce broth and the pickled vegetables will literally take me to food-heaven.

🍚Korean White Rice [How To Make Perfect Rice Every Time] COMPLETE TUTORIAL 🇰🇷촉촉한 맛있는 밥짓는방법, 누룽지 만들기

For more on Korean soy sauce varieties, WATCH⬇️

Korean Grocery Shopping: MUST-HAVE Korean Seasoning Ingredients COMPLETE-TUTORIAL🇰🇷(한식재료) Gochujang🌶

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마약계란, 계란장조림, 장조림, 반숙계란, 연어장, 계란간장밥, 계란볶음밥, 계란덮밥,

시니어, 어르신, 시니어요리, 시니어라이프, 시니어시티즌라이프매거진, 이종임, 요리, 라이프, 푸드, 레시피, 전통, 오방색, 비법, 손맛, 대대로, 수도요리학원, 하선정, 하숙정, 수도요리, 장조림, 달걀장, 계란장, 마약계란장, 마약달걀장, 반숙계란장, 반숙달걀장, 계란장맛있게 만드는 법, 달걀요리, 계란장조림,

반숙계란장, 계란장조림, 마약계란장, 간단요리, 계란요리, 계란, 계란장, egg recipe, , Dalgyal Jangjorim, 이보은, 잘차린한끼, 레시피, 푸드, 요리, 한식, 레서피, 반찬, 집밥, 집반찬, 엄마, 손맛, 비결, cooking, food, korean, cuisine, howtocook, foodstylist, foodclass, recipe

Korean food, Korean cuisine, Korean recipes, Korean cooking, Korean side dish, Korean banchan, 필수 밑반찬, 오래 두고 먹어도 맛있어요, 집밥레시피, Korean Soy Sauce Myak Egg Recipe: Seasoned Soft-Boiled Egg & Yolk 반숙달걀장과 노른자장 (마약계란장) 자꾸만 생각나는 맛!


May 05, 2023

this is some good shit


Brenda Bloom
Brenda Bloom
Jan 29, 2023

This looks amazing, however, your video says 1/2 cup of soy sauce, but this printed recipe calls for 1/4 cup. Which is the correct one to use? Thank you!


Michael LaFrance
Michael LaFrance
Jun 24, 2022

It's difficult to read the recipes, because the green footer section takes up almost a half of the screen. (using a Firefox browser)

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