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One Pot Tteokbokki Recipe: Cook Tableside Spicy Korean Rice Cake [On-The-Spot Tteokbokki] 즉석떡볶이

Writer: Helen ModernPepperHelen ModernPepper

Updated: Apr 28, 2024

Host a dinner party with this DELICIOUS One Pot Tteokbokki (Spicy Korean Rice Cake) Jeukseok-tteok recipe. Also learn how to make addictive wet Tteokbokki Rice using the leftover sauce!

Get ready to host a dinner party with this DELICIOUS ONE POT Tteokbokki that everyone will LOVE😍. BONUS Recipe: ADDICTIVE WET Tteokbokki Rice using leftover tteokbokki sauce! This tableside spicy rice cake recipe is how it is served at Tteokbokki Specialty Restaurants. If you love Korean Spicy Rice Cakes, you are going to LOVE-LOVE this One Pot Tteokbokki recipe!

🇰🇷떡볶이 전문점처럼 집에서 맛있는 즉석떡볶이를 만들어보세요. 남은 떡볶이 국물로 맛있는 떡볶이 볶음밥도 만들어보세요.

Tableside Tteokbokki = 즉석떡볶이 JeukSuk-Tteokbokki

🌶Ingredients 재료

Yield: 4 to 6 Servings

500 Grams GaRaeTteok 가래떡

200 Grams Green Cabbage 양배추

150 Grams Fish Cakes 어묵

120 Grams Hot Dog or Mini-Sausages 소시지

50 Grams DangMyeon 당면

4 Scallions 쪽파 또는 대파

½ Onion Medium-Size 중간사이즈 양파

½ Carrot Medium-Size 중간사이즈 당근

1 Ramen 라면

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Salted Butter 버터

1 Liter Dried Anchovy Broth or Water 다시육수 또는 물 (Extra 1 to 2 Cups on reserve)

TteokBokKi Seasoning Paste 떡볶이 양념장

2 Tablespoons 큰술 GoChuJang 고추장

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Fine Gochugaru 고운 고춧가루

2 Tablespoons 큰술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Soy Sauce 양조간장 또는 진간장

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Mirim 미림

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Oyster Sauce 굴소스

¼ Cup Extra-Fermented Kimchi Liquid 신김치국물 (Or water 또는 물)

½ Tablespoon 큰술 Coarse Gochugaru 고춧가루

½ Tablespoon 큰술 Beef Dashida or MSG 쇠고기 다시다 또는 미원

Optional: 1 Tablespoon 큰술 ChunJang 춘장 또는 볶음짜장 (Or Paldo JjaJang Ramen Sauce 또는 팔도 짜장라면 소스)

Optional: Add Shin Ramen Black Powder Packets 신라면 블랙 분말스프

TteokBokki Rice 떡볶이 볶음밥

2 Cups Cooked Korean Rice 밥

½ Cup Kimchi 김치

Shredded Green Cabbage (handful amount) 양배추채

1 Scallion Minced 쪽파 또는 대파

Kim 김 Sesame Oil 참기름

CLICK on the blue timestamp for recipe demonstration

00:00 INTRO 인사말

01:07 Rice Cake & Noodle Prep 가래떡 +당면 준비

02:52 TteokBokKi Seasoning Paste 떡볶이 양념장

05:51 One Pot Tteokbokki Assemble 즉석떡볶이 준비

09:20 Cooking One Pot Tteokbokki 즉석떡볶이 끓이기

11:16 Tasting/Mukbang 맛보기/먹방

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Please take a photo of your One Pot Tteokbokki when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG  @ModernPepper   


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Korean food, Korean cooking, Maangchi, Maangchi recipes, Korean cuisine, Jeukseok-tteokbokki, tteokbokki stew, spicy rice cake stew, on the spot tteokbokki, giveaway, 즉석떡볶이, Korean spicy rice cake stew


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