EASY & DELICIOUS Rice Cake Dumpling BROTH in 10 MINS! YES, TteokGuk is the soup that Koreans eat on new year's day for good luck in the new year. AND this soup is also a popular winter soup.
🌱Vegan friendly modification also included.
🇰🇷10분만에 아주 간단하고 맛있는 떡국 육수 만들기 + 소고기 떡만두국 레시피. 새해 첫날엔 맛있는 떡국 드시고 건강하고 행복한 한해 보내세요!
TteokGuk 떡국 = Rice Cake Soup
Tteok 떡 = Rice Cake
Guk 국 = Soup
TteokManDuGuk = 떡만두국
Tteok 떡 = Rice Cake
ManDu = Dumpling
Guk 국 = Soup
Below you'll find the following:
Ingredient List
Korean ingredient and suggested product links
Recipe Instruction
Suggested video recipes
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Please take a photo of your TteokGuk/TteokManDuGuk when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper
1 teaspoon 작은 술 = 5 ml
1 tablespoon 큰술 = 1/2 fluid ounce, 15 ml, 15 cc
1 Cup 컵 = 128 grams
1 lb = 450 grams
Serving Size: 1 Adult
150 Grams Sliced Rice Cake 떡국떡
Cold Water (enough to fully soak the rice cakes)
Broth 육수 만들기
6 Cup 컵 Water 물
3 - 4 Garlic 마늘
1 Scallion 쪽파
10 - 12 Peppercorns 통후추
50 Grams Korean Radish 무 (substitute: red/pink round radish, peel skin off)
2 Small Dashima/Dried Sea Kelp 다시마
¼ - 1/2 Teaspoon Beef Dashida 작은술 소고기 다시다 (season to taste)
🌱Vegan: YonDu 연두 ¼ - 1/2 Teaspoon (season to taste)
¼ - 1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sea Salt 천일염 (season to taste)
Beef Garnish 소고기 고명 만들기
60 Grams Beef Ribeye Slices 쇠고기 등심
🌱Vegan: 2 - 3 Small Crimini or Shitake Mushroom 표고버섯
½ Tablespoon 큰술 Soy Sauce (All Purpose) 양조간장
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름
1 Pinch 꼬집 Sesame Seed Salt 깨소금
1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추
Garnishes 고명
1 Egg 달걀
2 Small pieces roasted seaweed 김
1 Scallion 쪽파
🛒🛍Shop more Korean ingredients & kitchen gadgets at ⬇️ 재료⬇️ https://www.modernpepper.com/store
Korean Rice Cake (Oval Sliced) 떡국떡
Beef Dashida (bouillon powder) 소고기 다시다
🌱YonDu (Vegan Flavor Enhancer) 연두
Korean Soy Sauce 양조간장
Dried Sea Kelp/Dashima/다시마
Sesame Oil 참기름
Brown Sugar
https://amzn.to/3UX82d5 (organic)
Crushed Sesame Seeds with Salt 깨소금
Korean Sea Salt 천일염
Stainless Steel Pot With Lid 명품 냄비
Small Sauté Pan 명품 프라이팬
Fine Mesh Ladele 망사 국자
Knife Sets 명품 칼: 9 Piece Set 세트
16 piece Knife Set 세트
Chef's Knife
9 Piece Set
16 piece Knife Set
Chef's Knife
Step One
Soak the rice cake slices in cold water for 10 minutes.
150 Grams Sliced Rice Cake 떡국떡
Cold Water (enough to fully soak the rice cakes)
Why soak the sliced rice cakes in cold water? Soaking in cold water is to rehydrate and resuscitate the hardened rice cakes. When these rice cakes are packaged and vacuum sealed, they became hard. So, it is critical to rehydrate in cold water before heating them up in the broth. Remember, unlike Italian pasta that must be cooked before consuming, Korean rice cakes are already cooked, so all you need to do is to soften/warm them up in the broth before consuming. Technically, you can eat these hard rice cakes straight from the packaging, but I must warn you that these are super rubbery hard straight out the packaging. Now, if you live close to a Korean market, you can purchase freshly made rice cakes. If using freshly made rice cakes, you do not need to presoak in cold water before adding them to the broth. Days leading up to new years, most Korean markets will sell freshly made rice cakes to make TteokGuk with.
Step Two
Beef Garnish 소고기 고명 만들기
Cut the beef into strips. 🌱Vegan-Only: Remove the stems of the mushrooms and discard. Cut the mushrooms into thick slices.
60 Grams Beef Ribeye Slices 쇠고기 등심
🌱Vegan-Only: 2 - 3 Small Crimini or Shitake Mushroom 표고버섯
In a small pan/pot, bring about 2 cups of water (enough water to quickly blanch the beef or mushroom slices). Add the beef strips or mushroom slices for about 2 minutes, on high stove heat. This flash blanching of the beef is to remove the excess blood. By the end of 2 minutes, you'll see the blood gunk and residue floating to the top of the boiling water.
Quickly, strain the flash blanched beef or mushroom, and flash rinse in cold water to remove any excess blood stuck on the beef. Shake the beef or mushroom in the strainer a few times to remove any excess water.
Put the beef or mushroom in a small bowl. Add the following ingredients to the bowl.
½ Tablespoon 큰술 Soy Sauce (All Purpose) 양조간장
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름
1 Pinch 꼬집 Sesame Seed Salt 깨소금
1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추
Mix the ingredients well with the beef or mushroom. Then let it rest at room temperature for 10 minutes. You can also prepare this beef or mushroom garnish a few days in advance. Just bring it to room temperature before using.
Step Three
Broth 육수 만들기
In a medium size pot, bring 6 cups of water to boil and add the following ingredients.
3 - 4 Garlic 마늘
1 Scallion 쪽파
10 - 12 Peppercorns 통후추
50 Grams Korean Radish 무 (substitute: red/pink round radish, peel skin off)
2 Small Dashima/Dried Sea Kelp 다시마
Once the liquid start boiling, add the lid, and lower the stove heat to medium. On medium heat, simmer for 10 minutes.
10 Minutes Later 10분 후
Pull all the ingredients in the pot and discard or eat with some warm rice, soy sauce, and sesame oil (chop up the dashimda, radish, garlic, and scallions with kitchen sears), all mixed up.
Add the beef dashida first and taste your broth before adding the salt. Please keep in mind that Beef Dashida and YonDu are both salty flavor enhancers, so season to taste, but do not over season with the flavor enhancers. Season to taste with salt.
¼ - 1/2 Teaspoon Beef Dashida 작은술 소고기 다시다 (season to taste)
🌱Vegan-Only: YonDu 연두 ¼ - 1/2 Teaspoon (season to taste)
¼ - 1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sea Salt 천일염 (season to taste)
Once this broth is ready, you are now ready to add the rice cakes and/or dumplings to make your TteokGuk or TteokManDuGuk. You can make this broth ahead of time (2 - 3 days in the fridge is fine or freeze the broth in freezer safe plastic bags).
Step Four
Adding the rice cakes and/or ManDu🥟 to the broth.
If you are making TteokGuk (rice cake only soup):
add the presoaked rice cakes to the broth, cover with the lid, and simmer on medium heat for 2 minutes.
If you are making TteokManDuGuk (rice cake soup with dumplings):
add the presoaked rice cakes and 4 frozen or freshly homemade dumplings, cover with the lid, and simmer on medium heat for 3 minutes.
Pull out the rice cakes and ManDu🥟 from the broth right away to a serving bowl.
It is important that you cook the rice cakes and dumplings ONLY when you are ready to eat. Rice cakes will get bloated and soggy soon after it has been cooked in the broth. Also, if you want to dumplings to hold it's shape, you need to pull them out of the broth once they are cooked. If you keep the cooked rice cakes and dumplings in the hot broth pot, the rice cakes will turn into a sponge and the dumplings will come apart. Once you pull out the cooked rice cakes and dumplings to the serving bowl, quickly following the instructions below.
Step Five
Adding The Garnishes: Beef, Mushroom, Egg, Scallion, and Seaweed
Add half or more of the seasoned beef or mushroom in the serving bowl before you add the cooked rice cakes and/or dumplings. After you add the cooked rice cakes and dumplings to the serving bowl, add the following ingredients to the broth pot (stove heat at medium):
1 Egg 달걀 (Break up the yellow yolk twice, do not mix or whip up the egg)
🌱Vegan - Only: For yellow color garnishing, add a few thin strips of yellow bell pepper
2 Small pieces roasted seaweed 김 (cut into strips or break up into crumbles with your hands)
1 Scallion 쪽파 (Cut into long strips. White root end part, split it down the middle/long way, first)
Put the egg in the broth pot in one area of the pot. Do not pour the egg around the pot or mix the egg around the pot. Doing so will create a slurry broth (like an egg drop soup, it will make the TteokGuk broth cloudy and messy looking). I love egg drop soup, but not in my TteokGuk broth. Then on the other side of the pot, add the scallion strips. Cover with the lid, and let it simmer on medium heat for 1 minute.
Then quickly, pour the broth to the serving bowl (using a mesh ladle, hold the egg and scallions in the pot so it doesn't fall out with the broth). Using a mesh ladle, pick up the egg from the pot and place it in the center of the bowl. Then add the scallion strips next to the egg. Add the rest of the seasoned beef strips or mushroom on the other side of the egg. Then add the kim (roasted seaweed) on top of the garnish. Add a light sprinkle of sesame seed salt (FYI - Sesame seed salt is roasted sesame seeds crushed and mixed with sea salt).
Bon appétit😋
This is what Korean Kings & Queens ate: Galbitang [Korean Beef Short Ribs Soup] 갈비탕 맛있게 끓이는법 [왕갈비탕]
You need to eat these JUICY & HEARTY Korean DUMPLINGS! FRIED, STEAMED & BOILED 구운, 물, 찐만두
Korean Chicken Soup + Noodle Soup [Ginseng Chicken Soup] SamGyeTang 삼계탕 + Kalguksu 칼국수
Here is my earlier TteokGuk recipe with a more delicious way of making the beef garnish and how to make beef broth from scratch.
Have a bowl of tteongmanduguk (sliced rice cake and dumpling soup) and start the year off well!
백종원 PAIK JONG WON, 백종원,요리비책, 떡국,떡만두국,떡만둣국,설음식,설날, tteokguk, rice cake soup, tteok mandu guk,
새해 첫날엔 맛있는 떡국 드시고 기분 좋은 한해 보내세요!
Mom's Taste, 엄마의 손맛, 한식, Korean Food, yt:cc=off, 반찬, 밑반찬, 손맛, 엄마, 가정식, 찌개, 나물, 집밥, 요리, 김치, 명절, 음식, 쿠킹, Cooking, Cook, Korea, Food, 김장,
소고기떡국이 이렇게 맛있다니 놀랍습니다, 김대석 셰프TV, 떡국, 김대석 떡국, 떡국 레시피, 떡국 만들기, 떡국 만드는법, 떡국 만드는방법, 새해, 새해 떡국, 설날, 신정 떡국, 신정 떡국 만들기, 신정, 설날 떡국 만들기, 설날 떡국, 구정 떡국, 구정, 구정 떡국 만들기, 계묘년, 새해 떡국 만드는법, 새해 떡국 만들기, 소고기떡국, 소고기떡국 레시피, 소고기떡국 만드는법, 소고기떡국 만드는방법, 김대석 소고기떡국,
Korean Rice Cake Soup, Tteok Guk, Rice Cake Dumpling Soup, Tteok Mandu Guk, 떡국,떡만두국,떡만둣국,설음식,설날, PAIK JONG WON, 백종원,Maangchi, Mom's Taste, 엄마의 손맛, 김대석 셰프TV, 소고기떡국 레시피, seollal food, Korean soup