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This🥓Bacon Soft Tofu Stew will make your SOUL & BELLY SO HAPPY😋EASY ONE POT Recipe! 🥓순두부찌개 양념장없이!

Writer's picture: Helen ModernPepperHelen ModernPepper

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

SoonDuBu JjiGae 순두부찌개 (aka Soft Tofu Stew) is one of Korea's favorite comfort stews! The tofu is so mild in taste and just dissipates in your mouth with a burst of spicy, garlicky, and makes-your-stress-melt-away delicious broth. If you never had SoonDuBu Jjigae, you are totally missing out. Now, if you are a fan of SoonDuBu JjiGae, you came to the right place today because I'm going to show you how to make this classic stew with all the tricks and tips to make it taste just as good as the restaurant SoonDuBu JjiGae. Yup, you'll be so impressed with yourself for making this delicious SoonDuBu JjiGae at home!

SoonDuBu JjiGae is made in many variations. Today, we will be using bacon and its fat to make an EASY ONE POT recipe that does NOT require making the SoonDuBu JjiGae seasoning sauce.

This is a SMALL portion recipe. Perfect to share with two people or for one extra-hungry person.

🌱Includes Vegan-friendly recipe modifications.

🇰🇷고소한 베이컨볶음과 베이컨기름을 사용해서 얼큰 칼칼한 뚝배기 순두부찌개 만들기. 따로 양념장을 만들지 않고 정말 쉽고 빠르게 맛있는 순두부찌개를 만드는 방법. 맛과 방법이 너무 쉬우니 꼭 해서 드세요🙏

Also mistakenly spelled as SunDuBu-JjiGae

SoonDuBu 순두부 = Extra Soft/Silken Tofu

JjiGae 찌개 = Stew

Below you'll find the following:

Ingredient List

Korean ingredient and suggested product links

Recipe Instruction

Suggested video recipes



Please take a photo of your Soft Tofu Stew when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper


1 teaspoon 작은 술 = 5 ml

1 tablespoon 큰술 = 1/2 fluid ounce, 15 ml, 15 cc

1 Cup 컵 = 128 grams

1 lb = 450 grams


Serving Size: 2 Adults

100 Grams Bacon 베이컨 (or pork meat 돼지고기)

🌱Vegan: Use plant based bacon/meat & 3 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

22 Ounces Extra Soft/Silken Tofu (2 packages)

2.5 Cups 컵 Hot Water

15 Grams Korean radish 무 (substitution: red/pink radishes)

½ Small 작은 Onion 양파

¼ Cup Scallion (root-end only) OR 대파 (Welsh onion)

1 Scallion (minced) 다진 쪽파

8 Slices Carrot 얇게 썬 당근

4 Slices Zucchini 얇게 썬 호박

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

1 Tablespoon 큰술 GoChuGaRu (fine ground) 고운 고춧가루

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Guk Soy Sauce 국간장 (all-purpose soy sauce is fine to use)

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다 (optional)

🌱Vegan: Use YeonDu 연두 (plant based broth enhancer

1 Pinch 큰꼬집 Salt 소금

1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

1 Anchovy Dashi Pack 멸치 다시팩

*OR 3 Dashi Anchovy 다시멸치 & 1 Small Dashima (dried sea kelp) 다시마 작은 조각

🌱Vegan: Use 3 - 4 Small Dashima (dried sea kelp) 다시마 작은 조각

🛒🛍Shop more Korean ingredients & kitchen gadgets at

Silken/Extra Soft Tofu

Korean Red Pepper Flakes

(Fine Ground) 고운 고춧가루

(Coarse Ground)

Korean Soy Sauce (for soup base, Guk GanJang 국간장)

Korean Soy Sauce (all purpose 양조간장)

Beef Dashida (Beef Bouillon powder 쇠고기 다시다)

🌱Vegan YeonDu 연두 (plant based broth enhancer)

Anchovy Dashi Pack 멸치다시팩

Dried Anchovy (for broth 다시멸치)

Dried Sea Kelp (Dashima 다시마)

Brown Sugar 흑설탕

Sesame Oil 참기름

Black Peppercorns 통후추

Pepper Grinder 통후추 그라인더

Microwavable Cooked Korean Rice (perfect if you don't have time to make Korean rice!)

Earthenware Clay Pot (TtukBaeGhee 뚝배기)

6 Cup size/7" wide pot was used in today's video

Cast Iron Pots 명품 냄비

Knife Sets 명품 칼

9 Piece Knife Set 세트

16 piece Knife Set 세트

Chef's Knife

Maple Cutting Board 명품 도마


Step One

Preheat your earthenware clay pot (TtukBaeGhee 뚝배기) or cast iron pot (or use any heavy bottom pot) on high heat for 2 minutes. Cut the bacon into small pieces. (You can substitute any pork meat.). Add the bacon, salt and black pepper, and stir fry on high heat for 2 to 3 minutes. Then add the scallion root-ends only and continue stir frying another minute on high heat.

  • 100 Grams Bacon 베이컨 (or pork meat 돼지고기)

  • 🌱Vegan: Use plant based bacon/meat & 3 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

  • ¼ Cup Scallion (root-end only) OR 대파 (Welsh onion)

  • 1 Pinch 큰꼬집 Salt 소금

  • 1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

By now, the bacon fat should be rendered. If you are not a big fan of bacon fat, take out about half of the bacon fat from the pot.

Step Two

Quickly add the GoChuGaRu to the pot and stir it for about 5 seconds to mix with the bacon oil. Quickly add the following ingredients and cover with the lid. Lower the heat to medium and let it cook for 5 to 7 minutes.

  • 2.5 Cups 컵 Hot Water

  • 15 Grams Korean radish 무 (substitution: red/pink radishes) cut into small pieces

  • ½ Small 작은 Onion 양파 cut into small chuncks

  • 1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

  • 1 Anchovy Dashi Pack 멸치 다시팩

  • *OR 3 Dashi Anchovy 다시멸치 & 1 Small Dashima (dried sea kelp) 다시마 작은 조각

  • 🌱Vegan: Use 3 - 4 Small Dashima (dried sea kelp) 다시마 작은 조각

Then remove the Anchovy Dashi pack, place it in a bowl and squeeze to extract any broth, back into the pot.

Step Three

Cut the extra soft/silken tofu tube down the middle with a knife. Gently squeeze to release into the pot. Using a spoon break up the tofu. Add the following ingredient, and cook on high heat for 5 minutes.

  • 22 Ounces Extra Soft/Silken Tofu (2 packages)

  • 8 Slices Carrot 얇게 썬 당근

  • 1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Guk Soy Sauce 국간장 (all-purpose soy sauce is fine to use)

  • 1 Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕

  • 1 Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다 (optional)

  • 🌱Vegan: Use YeonDu 연두 (plant based broth enhancer

Five minutes later, add the zucchini to the pot. (Zucchini does not need to cook much, as the heat of the broth will cook it.) Turn off the heat, and now it is time to taste test the broth.

  • 4 Slices Zucchini 얇게 썬 호박 (cut into small pieces)

Step Four

Taste Testing The Broth

Taste the broth and see if the saltiness and spiciness is to your liking. The broth should taste salty enough that with warm Korean rice, it is a perfectly balanced taste. Add more salt to your preference. If too salty, add some hot water.

Now, if you want a spicier taste, instead of adding more GoChuGaRu (Korean red pepper chili), add some slices of any fresh green and/or red peppers. Just remove the inner seeds before adding to the stew. (Split the peppers in half. Using a spoon, scrape off the inner seeds. Then slices and add to the pot.) Stir it for 10 seconds or so and have a taste.

Now, if the broth is too spicy for you. (Then next time, add 1/4 less of the GoChuGaRu.). You can try to make it less spicy by adding some water and 1 teaspoon of sugar. You will need to add salt to adjust the taste. But remember, Korean soondubu jjigae is NOT suppose to taste sweet whatsoever. BUT before you start adjusting to lessen the spicy taste, try having some with a warm Korean rice first. You might actually like the spicy taste when mixed in with Korean rice.

Once you are done with taste testing, garnish with the scallion, and a light drizzle of sesame oil. Now your homemade Soft Tofu Stew is ready. ENJOY!

If you want to learn about adding a raw egg to this stew at table-side, please watch @10:13 of this SoonDuBu video recipe.

Bon appétit😋

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