🥔 Braised potato in velvety 🌶SPICY SAUCE with warm Korean rice will take you to food heaven😇 This Korean side dish is so delicious that we call it "Rice-Thief Side Dish 밥도둑반찬,"meaning that one will happily eat 2 - 3 bowls of rice with the side dish because it is that delicious. 🇰🇷매콤하게 조린 누구나 좋아할 감자조림 레시피입니다. 밥 숟가락 부르는 매운감자조림😋
🌱Vegan-friendly ingredient substitutions below.
Spicy Braised Potato 매운감자조림
Spicy = 매운 MaeWoun
Potato = 감자 GamJa
Braised = 조림 JoRim
Below you'll find the following:
Ingredient List
Korean ingredient and suggested product links
Recipe Instruction
Suggested video recipes
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Please take a photo of your MaeWoun-GamJa-JoRim when you make them, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper.
1 teaspoon 작은 술 = 5 ml
1 tablespoon 큰술 = 1/2 fluid ounce, 15 ml, 15 cc
1 Cup 컵 = 128 grams
1 lb = 450 grams
Serving Size: 2 Adults
1 LB (455 grams) Potato Chunks 감자
½ Medium White Onion 중간 크기 양파
1.5 Cups 컵 Cold Water 차가운 물
Spicy Braising Sauce 매운양념간장 만들기
1/4 Cup 컵 Soy Sauce (All Purpose) 양조간장
1 Tablespoon 큰술 GoChuGaRu 고춧가루
1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 고추장 GoChuJang
1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Garlic 마늘
½ Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida (optional)
🌱YeonDu (plant based broth enhancer) 연두 (instead of Beef Dashida) https://amzn.to/3Tmkcee
1 Minced Scallion 다진 쪽파
Red, Orange & Green bell pepper strips 파프리카 ( 레드, 오렌지, 그린 색상)
Garnishes 고명: Crushed Sesame Seed Salt 깨소금 & Sesame Oil 참기름
🛒🛍Shop more Korean ingredients & kitchen gadgets at https://www.modernpepper.com/store
Korean red pepper paste/GoChuJang 고추장
https://amzn.to/3BeADmq (🌱Vegan)
Korean Soy Sauce 양조간장
Korean Red Pepper Flakes (coarse)
https://amzn.to/3EXngs0 (1 LB)
https://amzn.to/3B7ANMz (7 oz)
Beef Dashida (bouillon powder) 쇠고기 다시다
🌱YeonDu (plant based broth enhancer) 연두
Sesame Oil 참기름
Sesame Seeds 참깨
https://amzn.to/3r3ngjO (100% Made In Korea)
Brown Sugar
https://amzn.to/3UX82d5 (organic)
Cooked Microwave Korean Rice (if you are in a pinch, this is a great way to enjoy warm Korean rice in minutes)
Non-Stick Frying Pans with Lid 명품 프라이팬
https://amzn.to/3BdoKgI (2 packs)
Stainless Steel Pans with Lid
https://amzn.to/3VVV7IA (12")
https://amzn.to/3HaY8AP (10")
https://amzn.to/3Pbzm5t (6 quart)
Knife Sets 명품 칼: 9 Piece Set 세트
16 piece Knife Set 세트
Chef's Knife
Glass Mixing Bowls:3 Piece Set
9 Piece Set
16 piece Knife Set
Chef's Knife
Disposable Food Grade Gloves
Step One
Prepping The Potato
Peel the potato skin and rinse in cold water. Then cut the potato into small chunks. Small enough to fit a small spoon. Make sure the potato chunks are all similar in size, so all the pieces cooks evenly.
90 Grams or 2 Garlic Bulbs 통마늘
In a sauté or frying pan, add the potato chunks and cold water.
1.5 Cups 컵 Cold Water 차가운 물
Set the stove heat on high, put the lid on, and wait for the steam to leak. Once you see the steam leaking through the side of the lid, lower the stove heat to medium and cook for 5 - 6 minutes (keep the lid on).
TIP: Always start cooking the potatoes in cold water. Doing so prevents the potato pieces from melting/falling apart. When you throw the potatoes in boiling water, it will cook, but it will also break apart, melt, and not hold its shape.
Step Two
Spicy Braising Sauce 매운양념간장 만들기
Combine the following ingredients and mix well. Yes, you can make this sauce ahead of time. Just store in the fridge.
1/4 Cup 컵 Soy Sauce (All Purpose) 양조간장
1 Tablespoon 큰술 GoChuGaRu 고춧가루
1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 고추장 GoChuJang
1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Garlic 마늘
½ Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida (optional)
🌱YeonDu (plant based broth enhancer) 연두 (instead of Beef Dashida) https://amzn.to/3Tmkcee
Step Three
Braising The Potato 조림 시작
After cooking the potatoes for 5 - 6 minutes, it should be semi-soft. It should not be too soft. The potato should be somewhat firm in the middle. Then add the following and mix well:
½ Medium White Onion 중간 크기 양파 (cut into chunks)
Spicy Braising Sauce 매운양념간장
Turn the stove heat on high. Once the liquid starts boiling, braise on high heat for 2 minutes (move the potatoes around). Two minutes later, the spicy sauce liquid should be reduced to half (gravy consistency). Then add the following ingredients and mix well:
1 Minced Scallion 다진 쪽파
Red, Orange & Green bell pepper (6 thin strips each) 파프리카 ( 레드, 오렌지, 그린 색상 )
Turn off the stove heat, and immediately transfer to a serving dish. If you let the potatoes sit in the hot frying pan, it will continue cooking and will get too soft and soggy.
Garnish with a light drizzle of sesame oil and a light sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Enjoy this dish with warm Korean rice. This spicy braised potato is made to be salty and spicy so that with warm rice, it will be perfectly balanced.
Bon appétit😋
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